Sunday, March 20, 2011

Liking Someone Quotes Butterflies

AS IS MONDAY, Poem No. 12-20 Love Poems and a Song of Despair-

birds fled and migrated that sleeping in your soul .. .

Poem 12

For my heart just your chest,
enough for your freedom my wings.
From my mouth to heaven
What was sleeping above your soul.
In you is the illusion of each day.
arrive like the dew on the petals.
undermine the horizon with your absence.
Eternally in flight like the wave.
I said
sang in the wind like the pines and like the masts.
Because they are tall and taciturn.
and saddened all at once like a journey.
you like an old road. You
peopled with echoes and nostalgic voices.
I awoke and at times birds fled and migrated
sleeping in your soul.


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