Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Ten things you do NOT need to live

recently occurred to me to carry out an interesting exercise. an email I sent to 41 people at random, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, requesting their participation to share a list of 10 things not deemed necessary for life. should not have been such a difficult task, but perhaps it was. Why? Because decide to change a habit and rule out something important in your life to reduce your consumption energy and improve your carbon footprint implies a decisive and final action. Let results and draw some conclusions.

first consider that only 16 people answered me. Are they to whom you really care the problem of climate change already operating from an ecological perspective? We assume that the other 25 people did not have time to answer or maybe you do not care about ecological issues. That we can not know.

The second important point is that only 3 of 16 responses contained 10 proposals, almost all listed between 2 and 8 ideas. Again, we can conclude that rule up to 10 things in her life was a challenge too strong. However, I prefer to think that most have ruled so much of their lives that they no longer have 10 more ... not know if that is true.

now consider the proposals. Remember is a list of things NOT need to live. First comes the clothes dryer with 5 votes. As one friend, we are blessed with warm days in Cuernavaca, with sunshine almost every day of the year then the clothes dry on the line without any problems. The clothes dryer uses both electricity and gas, resulting in a large consumer of energy. is an excellent proposal. Second comes the microwave oven with 4 votes and I'm sure many of us could say goodbye without much remorse. are tied with 3 votes hair dryer, electric coffeemaker, television and the press of hair. is a very interesting little list because it includes television. I wonder if these 3 people really achieved live without a television at home, since this is a strong commitment.

With 2 votes each come after the water heater (boiler), game console X-box type, car, toaster, washing machine, water bottles, iron and bags plastic. is also an interesting list because it includes the car, which I find very challenging. other hand, how sad that more people have not been included in their lists plastic bags and bottles of water, we know how critical the problem of plastic polluting the land and oceans.

Notable among the other proposals, but only one vote, are the electric toaster oven, heater, blender, electric kettle, cell phone, blender, fabric softener, the bottles of water, air conditioning, Christmas lights, the vacuum, the non-biodegradable cleaners, bleach for clothes, Styrofoam cups and plates ...

thank the 16 people who answered the challenge and I hope I have contributed a little awareness among them, in order to achieve a style greener life. Discard things do not really need to live will help a lot in the urgent task of reducing our energy consumption, which is a of the main issues on the table of the COP 16 held in Cancun from 29 November until 10 December when the world's eyes will be focused on Mexico.

essential part of the shared vision of the countries participating in the Forum is that "should make every effort to achieve the goal ... concerning the stabilization of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which also includes a commitment by Mexico to "limit the emissions of greenhouse gases to levels that prevent an increase in temperature above 2 ° C ." To do so is clearly a need "to broaden and strengthen the participation of civil society," then I suggest you make your own list of ten things you DO NOT need to live and be doing your part.

Let us be very aware of the agreements resulting from the COP 16, as it certainly will affect your life and your children and your grandchildren.

Source: http://cc2010.mx

published in the Union of Morelos on Tuesday November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lia Sophia Jewelry Party

A service of solid waste collection in the Cuernavaca promotes recycling

Until the end of the oil and stop manufacturing plastic products, the waste problem will not disappear. However, if from now we could improve our habits and act responsibly and conscientiously to handle all packaging and products that we no longer really exist the possibility to end the problem once and Cuernavaca . meantime, we continue with the problem of what to do with all the waste we generate ...

Our city suffers a crisis of trash, like many other municipalities in Mexico and other countries. It is a pity because it should not be so complicated. Solving the problem is not easy because it has become a political issue. therefore been difficult to the point that how, where and when we place our detritus depends on the service we offer our municipality. More and more people are acting ecologically in separating their waste properly, but to witness how the garbage trucks is remixed indiscriminately, the situation becomes quite annoying. also know that the pickers are working to separate the trash again to sell it, or what is more common, the trash ends up in the dustbin of time, in a deplorable state.

Well, the good news is that we have an alternative Cuernavaca extraordinary service recyclable solid waste collection organized by a group of people motivated by environmental stewardship. Project is Community Collection Centers San Antón (operated by the Board for the Rescue of San Anton and Ravines of Cuernavaca, AC), whose motto is: "For a consumer recycling conscious and active. " Thanks to them today there are 12 collection centers for waste recovery and are one of the best examples of Morelos in the sustainable management of waste. Their goal is to capture up to 120 tons of recyclable materials each month and install additional storage facilities in the city of Cuernavaca, where possible, next year. Each piece of waste collected and recycled ends up being sold, which is wonderful. is estimated that to date have participated in the project about 5,000 people, including citizens, schools, neighborhoods, civic organizations, businesses, churches and institutions government, among others.

Currently the project is attracting between 50 and 60 tons per month, using two small trucks that work hard to collect solid waste from people and institutions registered. Reaching 120 tons will be possible only with the participation of you and me to be actively engaged, working as a community and providing our plastic, paper, paperboard, cardboard, tetrapak, tin, aluminum, metal slug, batteries and glass. is important to remember that all these products should be delivered in a clean, rinsed and crushed.

worth mentioning that this project operates a non-profit and has no connection with political parties. What little they earn or receive as support in the form of grants is intended to keep the administrative office function that exists thanks to the efforts of Rodrigo Morales, Citlalxóchitl González and Silvia Baez, whose desire to work in the project are larger than funds they receive. Need Help? Yes, of course. trucks need more capital to improve service, and support to maintain storage facilities clean and tidy and above all, to serve more percentage of the population of Cuernavaca.

Remember that 90% of the waste generated is recyclable. The organic has to be separated from the rest and be deposited in the compost. If you do not compost at home stay organized with your family, your neighbors or your boss to install one as soon as possible in a place that suits everybody. If you have not registered for a recycling program will not think twice. is a service to your community: we should all use it and support these efforts to care for the rivers and canyons, forests and streets. Our city may look more beautiful and clean if all make an effort. is in your hands!

data to contact the project are:

Tels. 318 0263 and 777 158 7136, e-mail : patronatosananton@hotmail.com

note published in the Union of Morelos on November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Infinate Money Cheat Emerald

Learn about climate change through a game

Technology is part of our lives. We may not have a computer at home, but almost everyone has a cell phone and / or any music device. Young people especially tend to leave their homes equipped with headphones and it is common for them to spend all day texting their friends through your phone. Another piece of technology that we have almost all television is, some units are more elegant or more modern than others. interesting thing here is we're connected and informed, thanks to technology, what is happening at any time anywhere in the world. Just as we are aware of the news we want to share our friends and family. This is the era of technology and information, no doubt.

Another important area of \u200b\u200btechnology that is booming is the video game. Some young people spend hours and hours playing, to the detriment of communication with family and school work. There are games for all ages and all tastes, but a new game has just been released that is for educational purposes and is why I'm writing about this topic today. Presented in London in October, is called Fate of the World (The Fate of the World) and the challenge is to save the world from climate change. The basic idea is to engage new audiences and create awareness not only among young people but to any fan of video games.

is a strategy game that uses real statistics, current models of climate trends around the world, stories of polar explorers and scientific and economic. is not the first nor the only play in addressing this issue but it is especially interesting because of the seriousness of the challenge, that is the reality of the current situation which confronts us. Also, this game has been rated excellent not only for its agenda but also for his handling challenging and high technological quality.

The game offers a number of scenarios for the next 200 years. If you're in the future with the possibility of playing this game will have to decide how to protect Earth's resources taking into account the continuing increase in world population and their needs in terms of water, food, living space, etc. . You, as a player, you have the planet in your hands, you have the responsibility to solve their problems or the option of following a path of disaster. you help the whole planet or be an agent of destruction?

Convincing the public of the importance of climate change is difficult. Through this game, is expected to send a clear message about what is happening in other parts of the world and inform the player that if nothing is happening where it is notable that does not mean that climate change does not exist. is important to take into account the world when it comes to a subject as complicated and so this game is a learning tool par excellence. Playing is much easier to read, no doubt. The idea is to play to learn and then take it to the next level, apply what is learned from the game everyday.

I personally am not a fan of video games but I am happy that climate change was included as a topic in this environment, when so many people around the world turn to it for fun. is a sophisticated learning tool that provides much important information about, for example, alternative sources of energy or hazardous levels methane. Once inside the game decisions are serious, challenging and involve profound meditation on the problem. Studies key learning successful is through technology where users can interact actively with the software. This game has huge potential because the market is massive. Learning through video games seems like a great idea and hope that a English version is available soon for everyone here in Mexico we can take it.

Source: www.red-redemption.com

published in La Union de Morelos 16 November 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Body Parts Effected By Malaria

Day of the Dead: a moment of reflection

I love the days of October and November, after the rains. remember this time every year because it's my favorite: the weather is wonderful, the field has begun to change color and the air is clean and allows us to clearly see the volcanoes.

The weather is perfect, with sunny days and cool nights, no longer feels neither hot nor cold. For those who want to take the sun must be careful, because it burns much as half a day in particular feel the force of sunlight. The sky is deep blue and the clouds have been forgotten. At night the stars shine. I gives an impression of cleanliness and I feel a lot of energy, especially witnessing the dawn: see the sun rising behind the volcanoes is a daily gift. What a beauty! El Popo has a bit of snow is likely to increase over the coming months.

The field has also changed, so much rain yet nutritious green. at this time born of wild flowers, most with yellow and orange, with daisies, marigolds, sunflowers and marigolds. addition, in many nurseries that surround us in Cuernavaca and all the State of Morelos, there are marigolds for sale, known as the flower of death, as well as a host of lovely flowers whose destination is the altar for the Dead or cemetery.

Today is November 2 and the celebrations of this important date are evident throughout the state. mark a moment of celebration, a pause in our hurried lives as a reflection on death and, above all, the memory of loved ones who are no longer with us. In many homes have altars adorned with flowers, candles, incense, papel picado, sugar skulls, foods and beverages that are "offered" to the deceased, all in celebration of the Hispanic tradition. In schools and universities in the region are traditional altars set up using a lot of creativity and honoring individuals from across the history of Mexico. competitions motivate young people to create truly spectacular altars. On the other hand, they also celebrate this important milestone in the Jardin Borda, Cuernavaca in the center of their altars and skulls are extraordinary. No doubt there are plenty of art, culture and creative talent in our state.

For children from the festivities began October 31 and many were dressed to the school last Friday in celebration of Halloween. Pumpkins made lanterns and candy are the ingredients that appeal to young people and certainly in the classroom there was much exchange and consumption of sugar. Many also came out at night with her parents to ask for calaverita.

is wonderful how the Day of the Dead celebration helps us to accept the idea death as inevitable part of life. Meanwhile, for those who just lost a friend or relative is a bittersweet time and source of many emotions. difficult times we are living in the state for too many families today and the feelings include anger and indignation as well as sadness and pain.

Finally, the Day of the Dead is a celebration of nature. Everything looks nice, the field for all, even the same streets where the plants grow so tall they block away ... I can not write a column without dropping a call and ask you not to throw garbage on the street seek Do not use plates, cutlery, bags or any plastic object, please. Mexico is a beautiful country and extraordinary is our duty to care. Altars are conspicuous by their nature, and finally to end the celebration, everything can be recycled or go to the compost.

The Day of the Dead is a celebration not only of death but also life. So beware, do not eat too much sugar, do not throw garbage and have respect for your fellow citizens and especially to the environment, or the planet, our home.

article published in the Union of Morelos Tuesday November 2, 2010